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Tag "master's programmes "

‘Choosing an Online Degree by HSE University Was a Very Easy Decision to Make’

‘Choosing an Online Degree by HSE University Was a Very Easy Decision to Make’
The classes in the Master of Data Science programme started three months ago. This is the first Master’s degree in Russia offered fully online, with all the courses delivered on Coursera. The students of the first cohort and one of the instructors have shared their impressions.

'HSE University Has Brought Me a Lot of Wonderful Moments'

'HSE University Has Brought Me a Lot of Wonderful Moments'
Lorenzo Fava is a student of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He came to HSE University – St Petersburg to study in a double-degree Master’s Programme in Finance. In his interview, Lorenzo tells why he chose a university in Russia, what are his favourite subjects and what he thinks of a distance learning mode.

Master's Programme Applicants Can Now Register for Preliminary Interviews and Portfolio Evaluations

Master's Programme Applicants Can Now Register for Preliminary Interviews and Portfolio Evaluations
International prospective students applying for Master's programmes at HSE University can now get a jump start on the admissions process and get a sense of their chances of being accepted to HSE. There is no need to wait till summer or to come to Moscow.

Lessons Learned from the First Month of Distance Learning

Lessons Learned from the First Month of Distance Learning
An international student of HSE University’s Master of International Business Programme in the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs shares her experience of studying at HSE and transitioning to online learning.

'International Business' Master's Programme: Producing a New Generation of Managers

'International Business' Master's Programme: Producing a New Generation of Managers
In 2020, HSE University - St. Petersburg will introduce a new English-taught master's programme in International Business. Students will carry out consulting projects at companies and complete internships and mobility programmes abroad. We discuss how the new programme is going to create managers of a new kind.

‘Global and Regional History’ Master’s Programme Seeks Future Historians, Anthropologists, and More

‘Global and Regional History’ Master’s Programme Seeks Future Historians, Anthropologists, and More
In 2020, HSE - St. Petersburg is launching a new master's programme in ‘Global and Regional History’, which will replace the ‘Applied and Interdisciplinary History’ Programme. The HSE University - Saint Petersburg editorial office interviewed Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, Programme Head and anthropologist, about the programme's a global approach to studying history and its international partnerships.

Learning Against Boredom

Learning Against Boredom
Eva Guerrero Forteza was born in Mallorca, Spain, where her mother, father and sister still live. Eva has a curious mind and a ‘wish from place to place to roam’, as the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin wrote. After earning a degree in physical therapy, she worked in Spain, New York, and then in France. But, Eva notes, she has always dreamt of learning Russian and living in Russia. That’s why she first came to St. Petersburg to study Russian, and, in August 2019, enrolled in HSE’s Master’s programme ‘Socioeconomic and Political Development of Modern Asia’ in Moscow.

‘The Professors Are Not Strictly Academic—They Are Also Practicing Professionals’

‘The Professors Are Not Strictly Academic—They Are Also Practicing Professionals’
For students interested in pursuing careers in international law or economic integration, HSE University’s Faculty of Law offers the Master’s Programme ‘Law of International Trade, Finance and Economic Integration’. Previously taught in both Russian and English, the programme is now taught in English only. HSE News Service spoke with two first-year international students about their studies, living in Moscow, and their overall impressions of the programme.

Learning to Think Like an Economist

Maxime Ladrière
Maxime Ladrière from Belgium has spent the last ten years between France, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Russia. Currently, he is working towards his second Master’s degree in the ‘Politics. Economics. Philosophy’ programme in the Faculty of Social Sciences at HSE University in Moscow.

‘I Have Found Every Course Interesting in its Own Right’

‘I Have Found Every Course Interesting in its Own Right’
Miloud Lacheheb (Algeria) is a second-year student in the ‘Applied Statistics with Network Analysis’ Master’s Programme. After earning his bachelor’s in management in Algeria and a masters’ degree in Economics in Malaysia, he decided to earn a second master’s degree and study data analysis and statistics at HSE University in Moscow.