Juniar Laraswanda Umagapi, a native of Ternate in East Indonesia, is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Political Analysis and Public Policy at HSE. She originally discovered the programme on StudyPortals, and agreed to speak about her experience researching and applying to international universities.
Tag "master's programmes "
Hector Cantu, University of Texas alumni, spent a year in Moscow learning Russian language and visiting Strategic Corporate Finance Programme.
David Damtar from Ghana and Samrat Sil from India are both pursuing Master’s degrees in Applied and Interdisciplinary History at HSE St Petersburg. HSE student Julia Nikolaenko talked with them about their academic backgrounds, reasons for choosing HSE, and impressions of life in Russia.
For DaoDao Yang, a native of Dali, China, choosing a programme in mathematics came down to the decision of where he felt most challenged and most comfortable. This ultimately meant turning down offers at New York University and the Berlin Mathematical School to accept an offer from the Master’s programme at the Higher School of Economics. In an extensive interview with the HSE news service, Dao Dao recently spoke about what led him to choose HSE for his postgraduate study; his impressions of the programme, its professors and his fellow students; and his future plans.
Julien Keyser from France has gained admissions to the English-taught Master's Programme in Global Business. The programme is run by HSE campus in Nizhny Novgorod. In his interview Julien talks about his reasons for choosing the programme and what he he expects studying in Russia will be like.
The Master’s programme in System and Software Engineering aims to provide students an opportunity not only to acquire the knowledge and experience they need in their chosen profession, but also to help them generate a systemic view on bringing resolutions to the difficult professional challenges they are certain to face in the future. Academic Supervisor Dmitry Alexandrov talks about programme features and international students share their experience of living and studying in Moscow.
Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation MA programme at theInstitute for Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge is open to anyone interested in learning how to commercialize scientific developments. First and second year students talk about their reasons for choosing the programme and their studies.