Katherine Alberti came to work as an intern at HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. During the May holidays, Kat’s Russian friend invited her to come along on an adventurous journey. Kat had taken a medieval Russian literature class so she was prepared for Russian peculiarities. Visiting Veliky Novgorod gave Kat an opportunity to feel the foundations of Russian culture. Kat has shared her experience of exploring the city with Read Square, HSE online student magazine. She recommends going to Novgorod to discover how Russians of old used to live.
HSE Art and Design School will be creating a lounge zone - an interactive summer playspace with bright red giant spheres - at the Afisha Picnic Festival on 25th July at Kolomenskoye.
Laura Gather came to the HSE to study Social Science. She is from Germany and studies in Cologne. This May, her friends and she travelled by the Trans-Siberian railway. From Moscow, they went by train to Ekaterinburg, then to Omsk, Novosibirsk, Ulan Ude, and Irkutsk. Laura spent two nights on Olkhon Island and one night in Listvianka before she finally returned from Irkutsk to Moscow by plane. She has shared an account of her travel experiences with Read Square, HSE online student magazine run by Russian and international stuents.
Green HSE, a student environmental club, is taking part in the upcoming Moscow Flower Show, an international festival of gardens and flowers. As part of the HSE project ‘A University Open to the City’, students will give a presentation on mini parks, the goal of which is to revitalize one of Moscow’s abandoned mini parks or courtyards.
Political Analysis and Public Policy is the most popular Master’s programme among HSE’s international students. It draws people with professional experience as well as those fresh from Bachelor’s degrees to do research. Indra Prasetya Adi Nugroho is one of the 2015 new Master’s graduates. He came to HSE from a job in the Indonesian government.
The first sailing regatta between HSE and Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) was held in the Strogino water meadows and served as the beginning of a new tradition for student club competitions. Students from the two universities’ teams agreed to form a single team to participate in next year’s world sailing championship, which can be considered the main outcome of the regatta. And for those who are more interested in numbers, the teams were tied for most of the day, but it was MSU that won the five races with a score of 3:2.
She had never played Ultimate Frisbee before coming to Russia. And she didn’t expect to. Manon Coyne just needed to do some sports because she did a lot in France and she didn’t find a better opportunity here in Moscow. Manon Coyne came from Marseille to study Management and Economics at HSE as an exchange student.
On 20th June HSE invites all graduates, students and teachers to the Star Wars themed University Graduation Party at Space Moscow. This is without a doubt, the best party of the year. But to get the most out of it, remember to follow these few vital steps.
HSE Talks were founded by students from the HSE Faculty of Business and Management. The first event was held on November 10, 2014. HSE Talks #5 was the first time an international speaker was invited. Prince John Abakah, a fifth year student of the Moscow Power Engineering institute (MPEI), gave a talk on how to avoid procrastination.