Students who choose to study in another country always find that the decision comes with a number of challenges. Distance from home, language, strange rules and regulations, and general cultural differences can make the experience both difficult and rewarding at the same time. Coming to Russia to study at HSE is no exception.
Hector Cantu, University of Texas alumni, spent a year in Moscow learning Russian language and visiting Strategic Corporate Finance Programme.

Second-year students on the History BA programme at HSE Perm have gone on an archaeological expedition as part of their internship. This year, HSE students have joined geology students from Oxford University on an excavation at Mokinski burial grounds.
David Damtar from Ghana and Samrat Sil from India are both pursuing Master’s degrees in Applied and Interdisciplinary History at HSE St Petersburg. HSE student Julia Nikolaenko talked with them about their academic backgrounds, reasons for choosing HSE, and impressions of life in Russia.
From July 15 to August 7, 2016, a festival of jam is taking place all around Moscow. Thirty three festival sites located in central Moscow and in all of the city’s administrative areas sell honey, fruit, nuts and souvenirs, as well as 200 varieties of jams, including such exotic sorts as lilac, chamomile, rose petal, dandelion, honeysuckle, coffee, chili, and aubergine jam. Guests of the festival can also participate in about 1,000 creative and athletic workshops.