Annual survey on university life will be conducted in November. Students will get an opportunity to voice their opinions, evaluate different university services and suggest ways to make HSE better.
HSE is beginning to nominate candidates for the annual university prize Golden HSE. All staff, including international faculty are invited to nominate their favourite candidate. HSE Academic Secretary Natalia Savelieva explains why you should seize this opportunity to show appreciation for your colleagues.
On November 18-20, Green HSE is organising another electronics collection. Anything collected will be sent for recycling at the Petromax factory in Lobnye.
The student society Green HSE and the School of Design are organising a marathon transforming old electronics into art. Art Electronics Days began on 29th October and will end with the announcement of a winner on 20th November.
Wanda Umagapi and Isa Muhammed from Indonesia have come to HSE in order to study on the English-taught master’s programme in Political Analysis and Public Policy. They hope to learn how to deal with major issues in their country. In an interview with online student magazine ReadSquare they share their experience of living and studying in Russia.
HSE is holding elections for the Student Council and for the post of Student Ombudsman or rights defender. Grant allocations and student expulsions, financing student projects and renewing degree courses are just a few of the things student self-governing bodies are involved in but it’s enough to show why every student should vote.
On October 18, the opening ceremony for a new sports ground took place at HSE's Voronovo Student Center. The sports ground was fully funded by the HSE Endowment, and is the first project delivered on endowment funds.
A grand opening for the third enrolment of master’s students in Global Business took place at the HSE campus in Nizhny Novgorod. The master’s programme is aimed at training managers with professional, social, and personal competencies needed for working in the global economy.
On 17th October the HSE School of Psychology is holding Welcome Lab Day as a continuation of the Nauka O+ festival. Head of School Vasily Klucharev talks to us about what will be on display, which areas of psychology are most popular today and whether it is possible to use brain stimulation to make people conform.