
HSE and Dynamo to Support Student Sports Initiatives

The Higher School of Economics and the Russian hockey team Dynamo Moscow have agreed to combine forces to help students lead a healthy lifestyle and develop student sports initiatives.

How to Apply for Your Student Social Card

Students on full-degree programmes can apply for a Student Social Card (‘SKS’ in Russian) and it is definitely worth doing right away because it doesn’t just give you a discount on public transport but serves as your banking card to receive your stipend and make purchases.

Math in Moscow Admits Students for Spring Semester

Math in Moscow, a joint programme run by the Independent University of Moscow, the Moscow Centre for Continuous Mathematical Education and the Higher School of Economics, is accepting applications for the spring 2016 semester until September 30. The Math in Moscow programme for international students has been giving young mathematicians from different countries the opportunity to learn from the best Russian teachers. All programme courses are taught in English.

HSE Day to Take Place on September 9

HSE Day to Take Place on September 9
The Higher School of Economics is pleased to welcome guests back to one of the most exciting and lively locations in Moscow – Gorky Park, where the university is hosting its fourth annual HSE Day on September 9.

HSE for Beginners — A Step-by-Step Guide to Settling In

HSE for Beginners — A Step-by-Step Guide to Settling In
This year HSE is welcoming around 200 international students who will be enrolled in full-degree programmes. To help you feel an integral part of the HSE family, get settled upon arrival and complete the enrollment, we have put together a step-by-step guide.

'When You Come Here, You Learn to Disassociate Politics from Culture and People'

'When You Come Here, You Learn to Disassociate Politics from Culture and People'
On August 15, the second HSE Summer University drew to a close. The number of participants in this year's programmer nearly tripled with 103 students coming from 15 countries. This included both independent students as well at five organized groups from Seoul National University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Miami University, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

International Students Explore Russia: Xenia Trotsky in Murmansk and Astrakhan

International Students Explore Russia: Xenia Trotsky in Murmansk and Astrakhan
Xenia Trotzky is an HSE international student who came from Austria to study management and explore Russia. Her grandfather was born in Voronezh but left Russia during the Revolution of 1917, fighting for the White Army. ‘I hope people in Europe – including my friends – would one day stop believing all the stereotypes about Russia and would stop seeing Russia as a dangerous and retrograde country. Concerning all the big cities I’ve visited in Europe, Moscow is definitely the safest of them.’

Around HSE

Around HSE
HSE invites you on a virtual tour of Moscow. We’ve put all the HSE Cornerstone articles together and made a map of places worth seeing in the neighbourhoods around the university buildings.

An Excursion to the Sky

In July, students from the HSE Extreme Sports Club planted the university’s flag at the top of Mount Elbrus, one of the world’s highest peaks. Garry Rutberg, one of the club’s leaders, and Alexandra Oleinikova, an HSE alumna and the club’s guide, tell us about the complicated nature of the mountain, ways of fighting hypoxia, and what it’s like to walk amongst the clouds.

HSE International Students Explore Russia and beyond: Antti Viktor Rauhala in Kyrgyzstan

HSE International Students Explore Russia and beyond: Antti Viktor Rauhala in Kyrgyzstan
Antti Viktor Rauhala is from Finland. He came to HSE this January as an exchange student. As a politics student who has been studying Russian politics in London at UCL, he has found it refreshing to get a 'Russian perspective' on the current political situation. With his friend Christopher he set on a journey through Russia and Kyrgyzstan.