
From 30th March to 3rd April, 50 German students attended a session of the Business in Russia programme, run jointly by HSE and DAAD and the German Chamber of Foreign Trade since 2012. Students on the programme do six-month internships in German company offices in Russia and prepare group projects on various themes, under the guidance of HSE professor Natalya Guseva.
For the first time, students and post-grads are invited to listen in on plenary sessions of the International April Conference. They will be able to find out ‘from the horse’s mouth’ what the world’s top academics, economists, government and public figures think about the current state of Russia’s economy and society.

The British parliamentary university debate championship 'HSE Open 2015' will be held at HSE on the 4-5th of April. Registration deadline for players, judges and observers is March 30.

HSE has been allocated a plot for the construction of a sports center that will be equipped with a swimming pool. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Moscow Urban Planning and Land Commission on March 5.