HSE is holding elections for the Student Council and for the post of Student Ombudsman or rights defender. Grant allocations and student expulsions, financing student projects and renewing degree courses are just a few of the things student self-governing bodies are involved in but it’s enough to show why every student should vote.

Samrat Sil, a student from Presidency University in Kolkata, India is currently studying on the Master’s programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History at HSE St. Petersburg. The programme focuses on the analytical part of history and how it can be used and applied in our day to day life. It comprises a wide variety of crucial topics like memory, identity narratives and the use of sources in history and historiography. It also focuses on heritage and its relation to history and economy. The students are encouraged to develop their own research topics for their Master’s thesis.
On October 18, 2015 for the first time ever, the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE will host the quarter-finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest, ACM ICPC along with two other Moscow universities.