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Tag "science"

HSE MIEM Students Demonstrate their Developments at Nauka 0+ Science Festival

Dance with a robot, become immersed in virtual reality, mount a weather station, learn about smart home technologies and just have a good time. At Nauka 0+ Science Festival, HSE showed that scientific development can be not only useful, but also accessible to everyone.

HSE to Participate in NAUKA 0+ Festival

This year’s NAUKA 0+ festival aims to turn science into something anyone can grasp. At the festival, various laboratories and universities open their doors to anyone and everyone with an interest in science and research. What will people learn about HSE at the festival? What new things will they see and discover? Let’s find out!

HSE Takes Part in Nationwide Science Festival NAUKA 0+

It’s become fashionable to take an interest in science and research, and there are lots of researchers and academics at HSE who do in addition to carrying out research are gifted enough to be able to explain it in an engaging way to other people. You can meet them and learn about the latest research breakthroughs at the NAUKA 0+ festival, which gets underway in Moscow on October 9. Here’s an outline of what HSE offers as part of NAUKA 0+.