
HSE Appoints Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs

Igor Chirikov
The Vice Rector position will be taken up by Igor Chirikov (who is also Director of the Centre for Sociology in Higher Education at the Institute of Education). Igor Chirikov spoke with the HSE news service about his main tasks in this new role.

Opening Ceremony of 'Global Business' Programme

Opening Ceremony of 'Global Business' Programme
On October 18th, 2016,  the opening ceremony of the master’s programme ‘Global Business’ was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod. Representatives from the three partner universities took part in the event.

HSE Yacht Club Announces New Enrolment

HSE students and staff are invited to try their hand at yachting under the supervision of experienced instructors. The HSE Yacht Club will be holding theoretical and practical classes during the winter.

HSE at the International Film Festival of Science and Technology 360°

HSE at the International Film Festival of Science and Technology 360°
On October 20-30, the VI International Film Festival of Science and Technology 360° will take place in Moscow. The festival’s programme is comprised exclusively of documentaries relating to science, technology, and new ideas on the world and society. HSE has partnered with the festival several times in the past, organising lecture series and holding discussions on the exciting films screened at the event. And this festival, which is being organised for the sixth time already, will not be an exception.

Teaching Quality Assessment Is Underway

Last year a new system of teaching quality assessment was introduced at HSE. It allows bachelor’s, master’s and specialist students to express their opinion on the teaching process*. This year the first wave of TQA will last till October 23.


HSE students donated blood on the last day of the autumn Donor Marathon, which took place at the blood donation department of City Hospital No 52.

Green HSE Сleans up Moscow region’s Lake Relax

Green HSE Сleans up Moscow region’s Lake Relax
Members of the student organisation Green HSE volunteered to clean up nearly 30 meters of lakeshore around Moscow region’s Lake Relax, as well as 60 square meters of the surrounding forest. The volunteers managed to collect more than 50 120-liter bags of trash.

HSE MIEM Students Demonstrate their Developments at Nauka 0+ Science Festival

Dance with a robot, become immersed in virtual reality, mount a weather station, learn about smart home technologies and just have a good time. At Nauka 0+ Science Festival, HSE showed that scientific development can be not only useful, but also accessible to everyone.

Users Can Now Get Free Certificates for Taking HSE Courses on Coursera

Thousands of learners now have the opportunity to obtain free certificates for taking HSE courses on Coursera.

HSE to Participate in NAUKA 0+ Festival

This year’s NAUKA 0+ festival aims to turn science into something anyone can grasp. At the festival, various laboratories and universities open their doors to anyone and everyone with an interest in science and research. What will people learn about HSE at the festival? What new things will they see and discover? Let’s find out!