
HSE Brand Ambassador in Indonesia

After turning down two offers of admission to universities in the United Kingdom, Rifki Zulkarnaen decided to accept a scholarship offer to attend the Master’s programme at HSE’s School of Asian Studies.

HSE Day at Gorky Park: Fun for Everyone

HSE Day at Gorky Park: Fun for Everyone
On September 14, the Higher School of Economics is again welcoming guests at Moscow’s Gorky Park to celebrate HSE Day – an extraordinary event that has become a tradition of citywide proportions. HSE Day has a lot to offer for everyone and is open to international students and faculty members.

First-year International Student Survey Launched

On September 8, a survey of HSE international students enrolling in 2017 was launched. The goal of the survey is to learn more about our new students, their educational background, choice of university and the challenges they faced during the application process.

International Students Get Acquainted with Moscow and HSE

International Students Get Acquainted with Moscow and HSE
Orientation sessions for new international students were held during the last two weeks of August at HSE Moscow. More than 200 exchange students from 80 countries will be spending the autumn semester taking courses in various HSE faculties. During the orientation, they learned about academic matters, administrative and safety issues, took a tour of HSE library, and attended roundtable discussions on life in Moscow and culture shock.

‘Now I Really Recommend Moscow to All My Friends’

‘Now I Really Recommend Moscow to All My Friends’
The fourth HSE International Summer University has drawn to a close. The programme continues to grow and evolve. This year over 160 students from 46 universities came to HSE to take courses in International Relations & Politics, Computer Science, Russian Studies, Economics, Culture & History.

Checking into Student Dormitories

Please find here the latest news regarding accommodation at HSE dormitories.

'I’ve Liked HSE and Moscow a Lot'

'I’ve Liked HSE and Moscow a Lot'
Carlos Cortez, a bronze medallist of the International Mathematical Olympiad (2011, 2012, 2013) and a Mathematics graduate of MIT, recently completed a two-month research internship at the HSE Faculty of Mathematics under the supervision of Professor Sergei Lando. He will soon be pursuing a Master’s degree at University Paris-Sud in France followed by a PhD at Northwestern University (USA).  The research internship was made possible through a cooperation agreement between MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) and HSE.

Stranger in Moscow: A Tale of German Student’s Adventures in Russia

Stranger in Moscow: A Tale of German Student’s Adventures in Russia
Linda Moessler is a German student who spent her spring semester studying international relations at HSE Moscow. Despite political tensions and cultural differences, Linda managed to fit in greatly and enjoy her stay in Russia. Miss Moessler agreed to tell us about her experience as a foreign student at HSE. Her tale will surely be of great interest for those curious about how international students live in Russia.

Summer School ‘Law in Russia: National Aspects’ Held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

Summer School ‘Law in Russia: National Aspects’ Held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod
The Summer School ‘Law in Russia: National Aspects’ was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod on July 17-28. Students from HSE Nizhny Novgorod and the Southwest University of Political Science and Law (Chongqing, China) took part in the event. For two weeks the international participants studied the basics of Russian language, law, and management.

Cheyenne Bishop about Language & Culture Programme in Saint Petersburg

Cheyenne Bishop from Mount Holyoke College (USA) studies the Russian language and culture at the Language & Culture Programme in Saint Petersburg this summer. She shared her impressions with HSE News Service.