HSE International Student Support

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Сulture Café: Money for Good

Once a semester we make something unusual! Our simple (but very dear to heart) Culture Café turns into a strong discussion not about one or several countries and their beautiful unique cultures, but about the issues that can be shared by massive number of people, by the whole globe.

Subject Selection Campaign for Students Has Begun

From May 15- 30, bachelor’s and master’s students (from second year onwards) select their electives for the 2018/2019 academic year. 

Culture Café: Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria

Culture Café: Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria
April 4, 2018 – what happened on this day, and why did we decide to mention it here?
You guessed it – our latest Culture Café. This one was a little unusual. We had 3 countries in one go! Ukraine, Belarus and Bulgaria – 3 trips, 3 amazing countries, so different but so similar. We want to thank all the students who took part in creating such awesome presentations about their countries: Anastasia Ozerova (Ukraine), Anna Baranova (Belarus), Adrian Stefanov, Kristina Todorova and Margaret Alexandrova (Bulgaria).

Chinese Student Reflects on Living and Studying in Saint Petersburg

Chinese Student Reflects on Living and Studying in Saint Petersburg
Charlie Song is a Chinese student who spent a semester at HSE University–St. Petersburg, focusing on Russian, Eurasian and Post-Soviet Studies. Charlie shared his impressions of Russian culture and life in St. Petersburg with the HSE news service, as well as some helpful tips for other international students.

Increased State Academic Scholarship: What Сhanges Can We Expect?

Applications for the Increased State Academic Scholarship open in May.  The main changes to the scholarships to be awarded this summer concern those for social achievements. Students receiving Russian government scholarships (quotas) are eligible to apply. Increased State Academic Scholarship is not applicable for students who pay for their tution.

Olympiad Victory Takes Student from Vietnam to HSE

Olympiad Victory Takes Student from Vietnam to HSE
Thuy Tien Huynh, a 21-year-old from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has long been interested in Russian language and culture, classic Russian literary works, movies, and music from the Soviet era. While searching for opportunities to study abroad in Russia as a student in the faculty of Russian Linguistics and Literature at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Vietnam, she came across information on the HSE International Olympiad and decided to give it a shot.

Who Knew Snow Could Be So Colourful!

Who Knew Snow Could Be So Colourful!
Aditi Koomar and Shreyak Tare are exchange students from Indian Institute of Management Raipur, a partner university of HSE-Nizhny Novgorod. They are pursuing a Master's degree in Management with a major in Marketing and Human Resource. They have come from Kerala, a southern Indian state, to Nizhny Novgorod for three months to study Brand Management and Marketing of Innovations at the Faculty of Management. Sara Olmi of International Students’ Club has talked to Aditi and Shreyak about their impressions and exchange experience.

HSE Organises Collection of Presents for Nursing Homes on Occasion of the Victory Day

On the eve of the Victory Day volunteers of the Open Your Eyes student project will be organizing a visit to the nursing home in Klin. They will put on a concert and give small presents, balloons, flowers as well as care, sincere wishes  and festive mood to the veterans.

Nomination of Candidates for the ‘Iron Egg 2018’ Student Award Now Open

The award ceremony for the ‘Iron Egg’ Student Award, which has recognized the projects that HSE students consider the most relevant and outstanding for 14 years, will be held at the end of the current academic year. Students will get a chance to vote online, first to nominate, and then select the winners.

The Perfect City for a True Russian Experience

The Perfect City for a True Russian Experience
Alex Christiansen, a student from Utah Valley University (UVU), came to HSE - Nizhny Novgorod this winter to study Russian. International Students’ Club leader, Sara Olmi, interviewed Alex to find out about how he ended up at HSE, as well as his impressions of the city and the university.