HSE International Student Support

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Culture Café: Germany

How well do you think you know Germany, its culture and history? Are Germans really that punctual and strict as stereotypes let us to believe? What to do and what to see when you found yourself in this country? We know all the answers to all of these questions thanks to the insights provided for us by our German students at our last Culture Café.

HSE Student Survey: Combining Business with Pleasure

HSE Student Survey: Combining Business with Pleasure
In November, HSE is launching its Student Survey. This year, students will be able to not only share their experiences about life at the university, but also take part in a competition to win an electric scooter.

Last Chance to Donate Your HSEcoin in 2018

Last Chance to Donate Your HSEcoin in 2018
The work of HSEcoin crowdfunding platform has been extended till November 25. HSE students still have a few days to donate their HSEcoins to student projects or initiate fundraising themselves.

‘Successful Admissions Is the Result of Daily Work over Several Years’

‘Successful Admissions Is the Result of Daily Work over Several Years’
Academic Supervisors of HSE programmes have been awarded bonuses for activities contributing to the university’s development. Active attraction of international students to HSE has become one of the assessment criteria.

Culture Café: The United Kingdom

How do you do? Greeting you in true English way because we learned how to do that thanks to our wonderful British students who transported us to their homeland for a couple of hours. We, of course, talking about our second Culture Café of the semester which was dedicated to the United Kingdom. Let’s dive into what we learned.

International Students Invited to Apply to HSE

International Students Invited to Apply to HSE
International admissions for HSE’s Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes are now open. This year, HSE is inviting applications for 52 Bachelor’s and 166 Master’s programmes across its four campuses. A number of programmes are taught in English and offer double-degree opportunities. International students can apply online. Early applications may be eligible for scholarships and tuition fee waivers.

Russian Field of Experiments

There are many strange things in the academic: scientists are researching street fighting math, porn studies, Harry Potter anthropology, and even queer death studies. But not all of these amazing research fields have been widely recognized. IQ.HSE and HSE Student Initiative Support Centre announce an essay competition for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students of all HSE campuses. 


International students have been enrolled in HSE undergraduate and graduate programmes this academic year. About 800 people will study on Russian government scholarships while the rest will pay tuition fees. Compared to last year, the number of international students among first-year fee-paying students has increased by about 80%.

The ‘Open Your Eyes’ Project: Collection for Nursing Homes

On October 9-11 ‘Open Your Eyes’, an HSE charity project, will be collecting items for 250 elderly people at a nursing home in Klin.

HSEcoin Platform Opens for Student Projects

All students now have the opportunity to create their projects on the new HSE crowdfunding platform. HSEcoins, credited to all students on HSE Day, can be transferred to these projects.