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More Than Just Studies: American Students on Their January Term in Russia

More Than Just Studies: American Students on Their January Term in Russia
From January 3 to 20, 23 students from three American universities took part in a special winter programme held for the third time at HSE University – St Petersburg. We asked them many questions, including what they thought about Russia before coming here, what they would take back home, and one of the eternal questions – Moscow or St Petersburg?

Summer University to Introduce New Features

Summer University to Introduce New Features
Every year, HSE Summer University creates new opportunities for its participants - both students and researchers. The programme is becoming more and more versatile and the range of fields of study is constantly growing. In 2018, about 200 international students from all over the world took part in the Summer University. This year, participants are invited to choose from a larger pool of courses and even travel to Siberia.

‘I Wanted a Programme Which Could Change My Way of Thinking And Open New Doors’

Master’s programme in Prototyping Future Cities offered by the HSE Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism was launched in 2017 and has since become quite popular among international students. Students from all over the world come to Moscow to learn how to use technologies to deal with future challenges of urban development. Two of the first-year students have talked to HSE News Service about studying on the programme and the projects they have been working on.

HSE Snow Fest to Bring Together HSE’s Snowboarders and Skiers Again

HSE Snow Fest to Bring Together HSE’s Snowboarders and Skiers Again
Every winter, HSE students and staff occupy the slope at the KANT skiing complex to organize the HSE Snow Fest. On this day, HSE students, HSE Lyceum students, and HSE staff together can go snowboarding and alpine skiing for free. In 2019, HSE Snow Fest takes place on February 10.

> 20,000

participants from 158 countries have already registered for the Open Doors Olympiad, an international competition organized by the Association of Global Universities. This event gives participants a chance to get tuition-free admission to English or Russian-taught Master’s programmes at Russia’s top universities.

How International Students Can Receive Scholarships at HSE

How International Students Can Receive Scholarships at HSE
HSE offers several scholarships that allow international students to cover part of their tuition fees in both undergraduate and graduate programmes. Scholarships are offered as a tuition discount for international students and take effect at the time of their enrolment in HSE. The scholarships are granted for the full period of studies.

HSE and H&M to Organize Clothes Donation

HSE and H&M to Organize Clothes Donation
This event marks the Russian national Students’ Day and will take place on January 25 and 26 in three HSE buildings: in Myasnitskaya, Tryokhsvyatitelsky and Maly Gnezdnikovsky. Clothing donation points will be located in the first floor lobbies.

‘Coming Here Has Been a Very Good Opportunity for Me’

‘Coming Here Has Been a Very Good Opportunity for Me’
HSE Preparatory Year students not only learn Russian and get ready to enroll in Bachelor’s or Master’s programmes but also explore Russian culture and way of life, which includes trying the local cuisine, sightseeing, and interacting with Russian people. Three international Prep Year students have talked to HSE News Service about learning the language, getting used to living in Moscow, and joining in New Year celebrations in Russia.

HSE to Recognize International Certificates from Foreign Applicants

HSE to Recognize International Certificates from Foreign Applicants
Prospective international undergraduate students who submit certificates in English language and math will have them considered in their applications to study at HSE. This opportunity will be made available to applicants for fee-paying slots as part of a special competition for foreign citizens. All the details are below.

‘I Believe This Master’s Programme Will Help Me Achieve My Goals’

Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovations is among HSE’s numerous English-taught programmes that are open to international students who can enrol full-time or take a semester or two as part of a study-abroad experience. HSE News Service has talked to some of the programme’s students about their decision to apply to HSE and their studies.