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Tag "students"

Teaching Quality Assessment: Module 2

Till December 21, 2016 HSE students will have an opportunity to assess the quality of their teachers’ work.

Winners of Student Initiatives Competition Announced

Following the project public defense held on November 7th-8th, 2016, the winners of the Student Initiative Competition have been announced. This year 84 entries were submitted to the competition, and 34 participants were invited to defend their projects before the Fund Council.

Student Initiatives Assessed by Experts and Public

This year 84 applications were submitted for participation in the competition. Almost 4000 people took part in the first stage of the selection, consisting of expert reviews and public evaluation of the proposals.

Opening Ceremony of 'Global Business' Programme

Opening Ceremony of 'Global Business' Programme
On October 18th, 2016,  the opening ceremony of the master’s programme ‘Global Business’ was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod. Representatives from the three partner universities took part in the event.


HSE students donated blood on the last day of the autumn Donor Marathon, which took place at the blood donation department of City Hospital No 52.

Green HSE Сleans up Moscow region’s Lake Relax

Green HSE Сleans up Moscow region’s Lake Relax
Members of the student organisation Green HSE volunteered to clean up nearly 30 meters of lakeshore around Moscow region’s Lake Relax, as well as 60 square meters of the surrounding forest. The volunteers managed to collect more than 50 120-liter bags of trash.

HSE MIEM Students Demonstrate their Developments at Nauka 0+ Science Festival

Dance with a robot, become immersed in virtual reality, mount a weather station, learn about smart home technologies and just have a good time. At Nauka 0+ Science Festival, HSE showed that scientific development can be not only useful, but also accessible to everyone.

HSE Students Invited to Take Part in Subregional International Programming Contest

On Sunday, October 16, 2016, the Moscow Subregional Contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) will take place at HSE. The Faculty of Computer Science will serve as a contest hosts for the second year in a row. To take part in the quarter finals, a team of three students must be formed and registered before October 9 (23:59:59).

HSE Announces Student Research Competition

Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.

HSE Competition to Support Student Initiatives Kicks Off

The Student Initiative Support Centre has announced that applications are now being accepted for the 2016 Autumn Student Project Competition.  There are no limits to project themes; they may involve an adaptation or media project, as well as cover sports, cultural or social topics. The main idea is that they are supposed to bring an improvement to HSE. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and groups, but projects must be led by an HSE student.