HSE International Student Support

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Tag "students"

Students Can Skate at VDNH Rink at Half Price

From January 9, HSE students will be able to get a 50 percent discount at VDNH rink upon presenting their social cards.

Applications for Increased State Academic Scholarship for Noteworthy Achievements Open till December 25

Students can apply for the Increased State Academic Scholarship (HSE Increased Academic Scholarship for noteworthy academic, research, social, cultural, creative, or athletic achievements) via LMS system by submitting the documents that confirm student achievements listed in a student e-portfolio.

HSE Elects New Student Ombudsman and Members of Student Council

HSE Elects New Student Ombudsman and Members of Student Council
On December 4, the vote for student ombudsman came to an end, and on December 6, new members of the HSE Student Council met for the first session.

Green HSE Organizes ReClothing Campaign

Student organization Green HSE organizes collection of clothing for recycling and charity. There are special boxes in different HSE buildings, where you can put the clothes you don’t need any more in order to give them a second life.  The campaign will run till December 13.

Bank Cards for State Scholarship Students

HSE has started distributing bank cards to its first-year students. If you are an international student on a Russian govenment scholarship (quota) you are eligible for such a card. On September 22, the first scholarships will be transferred via these cards. The schedule for the distribution of bank cards is presented below.

HSE Students Choose Unique Bank Card Design

HSE Students Choose Unique Bank Card Design
A competition to come up with an HSE design for the bank cards that are used to transfer state scholarships to students has been held. 1, 897 students took part in the final vote to determine the card design.

'Moscow Really Changed My Idea of Time'

We continue our project about international students of Higher School of Economics. Our hero for today - Lorenzo Tosi, who came from Italy, Cesenatico, University of Bologna. Lorenzo told us about “famous” Russian bureaucracy, his life in dormitory and favorite places in Moscow.

Guitars, Students from Nigeria, and Camping in the Woods

The 27th Open Camping Weekend organized by the HSE Extreme Sports Club was held on May 26-28. About 350 HSE students, staff members and graduates took part in this event.

Prepare your Student Portfolio for Increased Scholarship Summer Competition

The competition to receive increased scholarships for noteworthy academic, research, social, cultural, creative, or athletic achievements will open after June 5, 2017. If you plan to participate in the competition, please add the information about your achievements to your student portfolio via your LMS personal account.

HSE Has Chosen Best Student Projects

Winners of Iron Egg, the biggest student award, have received their prizes. This year, 33 student associations competed in 11 nominations in the contest finals.