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Tag "students"

Culture Café: Russia

Culture Café: Russia
On February 6th, at the beginning of the new semester, we have resumed our regular Culture Cafes events. Traditionally, members of the ESN HSE Moscow told foreign students about their home country — Russia.

Culture Café: Finland

Culture Café: Finland
Moomins, Northern Lights, Lapland, Salmiak – what else comes to mind when you hear about Finland? Well, thanks to our Finish students we have learned all about that and more at our Culture Café dedicated to Finland.

Culture Café: New Year

Culture Café: New Year
The biggest and by far the most beloved holiday in Russia is the New Year.

Ringing in the New Year, Asian Style

Students of the School of Asian Studies rang in the Korean and Chinese New Years, respectively, with lively celebrations this past week.

Exchange Program: an Interview with a Student from South Africa

Exchange Program: an Interview with a Student from South Africa
Helena Wiehahn, postgraduate student of Stellenbosch University, spent the last Fall semester at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. She told us about the exchange program, differences between the two countries and "Ded Moroz”.

Apply for Increased Scholarship Competition

HSE is now accepting applications for the competition for increased state academic scholarships for outstanding academic, research, public, cultural, creative or sports achievements. International students on full-tuition Russian government scholarships are eligible to apply.

HSE Student Survey: Combining Business with Pleasure

HSE Student Survey: Combining Business with Pleasure
In November, HSE is launching its Student Survey. This year, students will be able to not only share their experiences about life at the university, but also take part in a competition to win an electric scooter.

Last Chance to Donate Your HSEcoin in 2018

Last Chance to Donate Your HSEcoin in 2018
The work of HSEcoin crowdfunding platform has been extended till November 25. HSE students still have a few days to donate their HSEcoins to student projects or initiate fundraising themselves.

HSEcoin Platform Opens for Student Projects

All students now have the opportunity to create their projects on the new HSE crowdfunding platform. HSEcoins, credited to all students on HSE Day, can be transferred to these projects.


HSEcoins have been donated by HSE students to finance student projects over the first few days of a new crowdfunding platform’s existence.