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Tag "Invitation to participate"

British Poetry from Shakespeare to the 21st Century in Four Readings

British Poetry from Shakespeare to the 21st Century in Four Readings
A poetry session ‘British Poetry from Shakespeare to the 21st Century in Four Readings will be held on November 19 as part of British Culture Day at HSE.

HSE Yacht Club Announces New Enrolment

HSE students and staff are invited to try their hand at yachting under the supervision of experienced instructors. The HSE Yacht Club will be holding theoretical and practical classes during the winter.

HSE at the International Film Festival of Science and Technology 360°

HSE at the International Film Festival of Science and Technology 360°
On October 20-30, the VI International Film Festival of Science and Technology 360° will take place in Moscow. The festival’s programme is comprised exclusively of documentaries relating to science, technology, and new ideas on the world and society. HSE has partnered with the festival several times in the past, organising lecture series and holding discussions on the exciting films screened at the event. And this festival, which is being organised for the sixth time already, will not be an exception.

HSE to Participate in NAUKA 0+ Festival

This year’s NAUKA 0+ festival aims to turn science into something anyone can grasp. At the festival, various laboratories and universities open their doors to anyone and everyone with an interest in science and research. What will people learn about HSE at the festival? What new things will they see and discover? Let’s find out!

HSE Students Invited to Take Part in Subregional International Programming Contest

On Sunday, October 16, 2016, the Moscow Subregional Contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) will take place at HSE. The Faculty of Computer Science will serve as a contest hosts for the second year in a row. To take part in the quarter finals, a team of three students must be formed and registered before October 9 (23:59:59).

HSE Invites You to an Ethnographic Film Festival

On September 27, the 6th International Festival of Audiovisual Anthropology ‘Days of Ethnographic Cinema’ starts at the Museum of Moscow. Our guide will show you why not only professionals should go to this event and what’s remarkable about its programme.

HSE Competition to Support Student Initiatives Kicks Off

The Student Initiative Support Centre has announced that applications are now being accepted for the 2016 Autumn Student Project Competition.  There are no limits to project themes; they may involve an adaptation or media project, as well as cover sports, cultural or social topics. The main idea is that they are supposed to bring an improvement to HSE. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and groups, but projects must be led by an HSE student.

Come and Join 26th Open Tourist Rally

Don’t miss the most important backpacking and camping event of this autumn, the 26 th  HSE Open Tourist Rally! The dates are September 17 – 18, 2016. The event has been organized by the HSE Tourist Club, part of the HSE Extreme Sports Club since 1999.

Experience the Whole World at HSE DAY

Students from more than 20 countries and almost 200 international staff members currently study and work at HSE. With this in mind, HSE Day in Gorky Park will offer a platform for intercultural communication in the most varied of fields, from music to breaking stereotypes about certain countries and cultures. Here, international students will take the lead, and you’ll be able to learn about various cultures first-hand.

HSE Day for Science Geeks

The special HSE Day will demonstrate real science to its guests at the ‘Science and Technology’ platform. The achievements will be showcased by HSE MIEM, the School of Psychology, and HSE Lab (HSE Prototyping Centre). They will answer the trickiest questions put by the geeks. You’ll be able to get hands on and investigate the technological achievements on display and even test them yourself.