Tag "Invitation to participate"

HSE Organises Collection of Presents for Veterans from Rzhevsky Care Facility

HSE Organises Collection of Presents for Veterans from Rzhevsky Care Facility
HSE students, volunteers of the Open Your Eyes student project, and the Joy of Old Age (Starost' v Radost') foundation will be organizing a visit to Rzhevsky care facility for seniors on the eve of the Victory Day.

Kayaking, Climbing, and More Ideas How to Spend Summer

Studies and work can only be effective if recreation is also organized properly. The HSE Extreme Sports Club has come up with several ideas on how to have an active and energetic rest in spring and summer.

Green HSE Organizes Collection of Clothing for Recycling and Charity

Green HSE invites you to join a ten-day clothes collection drive.

Students Invited to Join Broadcasting Team at 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™

Are you enthusiastic, English-speaking and enrolled as an HSE student in 2017 and 2018? Then, you are welcome to join the FIFA Legacy Programme as an intern during the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™.

HSE Faculty of Social Sciences to Offer Webinar on English-taught Master’s Programmes

On March 14, 2017, at 6:00 pm Moscow time, the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences will hold its first webinar for prospective international Master’s students. During the webinar, academic supervisors and leading lecturers will cover HSE’s English-taught Master’s programmes in political science, sociology and public administration.

Fly with HSE Paragliding Club

A great number of student associations and clubs at HSE involve students in a variety of activities from historical re-enactment to yachting. Fly HSE, a paragliding club, recently joined the list. The HSE News Service learned how you can get in, the time required to prepare, and whether you can fly in winter.

HSE Extreme Sports Club Invites Students and Staff to Krasnaya Polyana

This is the second time the HSE Extreme Sports Club has organized a trip to Krasnaya Polyana in the month of February. This time, the trip will take place on February 5-12, 2017. Everyone who likes mountains and wants to spend a week in great company is welcome to take part. This year, the participants will be staying close to the ski lifts, which means that they will be the first to ski on fresh snow slopes.

Green HSE Holds Dead Electronics Days Again

Green HSE is inviting everyone to join in in a recycling drive. If you don't know how to dispose of your used Samsung Galaxy Note7 or other devices, this is your chance. Dead Electronics Days are held November 16-18.

New Internal Monitoring Wave Starts in November

As in previous years, this November HSE is launching a series of comprehensive annual surveys on university life. The surveys are conducted by the HSE Centre for Institutional Research, and traditionally, students and graduates are the first to be invited to participate.

British Poetry from Shakespeare to the 21st Century in Four Readings

British Poetry from Shakespeare to the 21st Century in Four Readings
A poetry session ‘British Poetry from Shakespeare to the 21st Century in Four Readings will be held on November 19 as part of British Culture Day at HSE.