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Tag "ideas & experience"

‘I Have Felt Welcomed Since the Very First Day’

‘I Have Felt Welcomed Since the Very First Day’
Yohei Shiiba from Japan, Eunsong Gu from the Republic of Korea, together with Luca Volponi and Nicola Bressan from Italy shared their impressions of living in Moscow and studying on the English-taught Master of International Business (MIB) programme, which is open to students from all over the world.

‘As a Family, We Will Always Be Together’

‘As a Family, We Will Always Be Together’
On November 25th, the HSE Pokrovka building hosted the ‘The Whole World in HSE’ festival, which brought together HSE students from Indonesia, Korea, China and Armenia, as well as Europe, Latin America, and various Russian regions, to celebrate the university’s 30th anniversary.

‘HSE is the Place Where Dreams Come True’

Olamide Oyelami
Olamide Oyelami, winner of the Open Doors: Global University Olympiad and Master’s student of the Strategic Corporate Finance programme, talks about her experience of studying in Russia. Registration for the Open Doors Olympiad is open until December 10, 2022.

Where Languages and Cultures Meet

Where Languages and Cultures Meet
The Bachelor’s in Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication combines traditional approaches to foreign language teaching with innovative educational practices. The programme has attracted a lot of international students thanks to the opportunity to enrol in the English track and study all its courses in English. Farangiz Djuraeva from Uzbekistan and Adila Ulfia Maula Tontowi from Indonesia shared their impressions with the HSE News Service.

Pursuing a PhD in Russia: ‘Attractive and Exotic’

Pursuing a PhD in Russia: ‘Attractive and Exotic’
After getting his Master’s degree in Computer Science in Rome, Julio Carrasquel decided not to pursue a corporate career in IT, but to move to Moscow to get a PhD at HSE University. As a result, he received a scholarship on the Advanced Doctoral Programme, successfully defended his thesis, and was named one of the university’s Best Teachers. Julio talked with the HSE News Service about his path in academia and life in Russia.

A Contemporary Education and a Multicultural Environment: International Student Life at HSE University

A Contemporary Education and a Multicultural Environment: International Student Life at HSE University
Arfa Amjad, from Pakistan, enrolled in the Master’s programme in Critical Media Studies at HSE University in 2021. In her interview, she talks about how her time at HSE University is an opportunity not only to dive deeper into her field, but to make friends and share cultures with students and lecturers from Russia and around the world.

'Studying and Living in Russia is so Enriching, Fun and Interesting'

'Studying and Living in Russia is so Enriching, Fun and Interesting'
Under an agreement between HSE University-St Petersburg and the University of Trento (UniTrento), students of the Master’s programme 'Modern Social Analysis' can participate in a double degree track. Cecilia Brazioli, from Italy, is a participant of the track who shared her impressions of studying in Russia.

‘Studying in Russia is the Most Important Decision of My Life’

Yuan Bo
HSE University attracts a large number of international students from across the world who study both on-campus and remotely. Yuan Bo, student of the programme ‘Strategic Management in Logistics’, tells the HSE News Service about the reasons for his choice and why time management is the key to successful self-development.

From Italy to HSE University-St Petersburg: A Master's Student on Her Education Experience in Russia

From Italy to HSE University-St Petersburg: A Master's Student on Her Education Experience in Russia
Giordana Carbone, student of the Master's programme 'Russian Literature in Cross-cultural and Intermedial Perspective', shares her impressions of her first year at HSE University-St-Petersburg. She explains the difference between European and Russian teaching styles, what pitfalls international students might encounter, and how to adjust to the education tempo of HSE University.

‘A Financial Education Takes Your Potential to a New Level’

‘A Financial Education Takes Your Potential to a New Level’
The admission campaign for the fully online Master of Finance programme is underway. The programme is affiliated with CFA Institute (USA), an international organisation that confers one of the most authoritative titles in the field of finance and investment: Chartered Financial Analyst. Kyung Se Park from Seoul, student of the online Master of Finance programme and co-founder of the LUOES Cosmetics Company, shared his learning experience with the HSE News Service.