Tag "ideas & experience"

‘I Love Russia, I Have a Russian Soul’

Domingo Garcia
The President and founder of CCLAR (LATAM Chamber of Commerce in Russia), Domingo Garcia of Mexico, completed his master's programme in International Management at HSE University this year. However, he is not planning to return to his homeland; instead, he wants to live in Moscow, develop his organisation, attract new partners, and start a family with his Russian girlfriend. In an interview with the HSE News Service, he explained his decision to move to Russia and enrol at HSE University.

Comic to Help Students Adapt to Life at HSE University

Comic to Help Students Adapt to Life at HSE University
Each year, HSE University launches a call for projects as part of its Professional Development Programme for Administrative Staff (PDP). This year, the programme's eighth annual call included four project proposals, each presented by its respective team, so that HSE University's staff could vote for the best proposal. The winner of the eighth annual call was the team of the project titled Assistance and Support for Chinese Students' Adaptation to HSE University's Community.

‘Do Not Hesitate, Moscow Will Not Disappoint You’

Sergio Terrón
Sergio Terrón, 27, from Alicante, Spain, is a first-year student of the Master's programme in Socioeconomic and Political Development of Modern Asia at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of HSE University in Moscow. His main research interest is bilateral relations between China and Spain. What do students need to succeed in their studies at HSE? What does Moscow have to offer to international students? Sergio talked about these and some other issues in his interview for the HSE News Service.

HSE University Students to Help Russian Brands Enter Chinese Market

Wang Yue
Foreign students from HSE University recently took part in the project of the School of Entrepreneurship for international students ‘Start your business with Moscow!’. Wang Yue, 31, first-year student of the HSE GSB Master's programme in International Management from China, became one of the most active participants in the project. She shared her impressions of participating in the training with the HSE News Service.

HSE Prep Year Students Take Part in Conference in Siberia

Edgar Marcano and Stephen Osikani-Nyansah Kwasi
April 23–25, 2024, international students of preparatory departments and faculties, as well as undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, and prospective researchers from Russian and international universities, took part in the 4th International Conference ‘Scientific Initiative of International Students and Postgraduates’ in Tomsk. The event was organised by Tomsk Polytechnic University and covered trends in modern research, problems in social sciences and humanities, project-based learning in engineering, science as vocation and career, etc. For the second year, students of the HSE Preparatory Year Programme took part in the conference.

‘HSE University Was My First Choice’

Tajrin Rahman Tisha
Tajrin Rahman Tisha, 25, from Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh, is completing her Preparatory Year Programme. She is a graduate of the Development Studies bachelor’s programme at the Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) and in September 2024 she will pursue her master's studies in Politics, Economics, Philosophy at the HSE University Faculty of Social Sciences. Tajrin Rahman Tisha shares her impressions and experience of living in Moscow, her future plans, the activities of the recently opened HSE Bangladesh Club, and the challenges she faces while studying Russian language.

‘Put in the Effort, and You Will Learn a Lot’

Roosevelt Ogah
Roosevelt Ogah is a first-year student of the master’s programme in Economics and Economic Policy at HSE University. He studies on the research track ‘Microeconomics and Macroeconomics’ and demonstrates very high academic performance. In his interview, he shares his experience of studying abroad for the first time and some tips on how to achieve high results in studies.

‘The Process was Challenging, yet Well-Organised’

Samuel Okai
Samuel Okai, 28, from Ghana, is a master's student of Strategic Corporate Finance in his final year at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, majoring in assets pricing. In this interview, he shares his admissions experience and speaks about learning at HSE University, while offering some tips for those ready to succeed in their studies.

‘High Grades Open Up Many Opportunities for You Here’

Bai Xinyi
Bai Xinyi, 24, comes from Ankang, a small city in China. She is pursuing a master’s degree in Economics and Economic Policy, with a focus on Behavioural Economics, in the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Below, she speaks about the application process, shares some details of her favourite courses, and reminisces about talking to friendly passers-by in the streets of Moscow.