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Tag "ideas & experience"

International Students Explore Russia: Xenia Trotsky in Murmansk and Astrakhan

International Students Explore Russia: Xenia Trotsky in Murmansk and Astrakhan
Xenia Trotzky is an HSE international student who came from Austria to study management and explore Russia. Her grandfather was born in Voronezh but left Russia during the Revolution of 1917, fighting for the White Army. ‘I hope people in Europe – including my friends – would one day stop believing all the stereotypes about Russia and would stop seeing Russia as a dangerous and retrograde country. Concerning all the big cities I’ve visited in Europe, Moscow is definitely the safest of them.’

Interns at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

This year several students from University of Texas at Austin came to HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences for study abroad experience and to do internships as teaching assistants at HSE and as consultants at the Merrill Lynch Writing and Communication Center at the New Economic School. HSE and NES jointly run a bachelor’s programme in Economics. American students share their impressions of Moscow and working at HSE.