Neige Rochant, a student at INALCO (Paris), speaks about her fieldwork during the HSE expedition to the Republic of Adygea.

Math in Moscow, a joint programme run by the Independent University of Moscow, the Moscow Centre for Continuous Mathematical Education and the Higher School of Economics, is accepting applications for the spring 2016 semester until September 30. The Math in Moscow programme for international students has been giving young mathematicians from different countries the opportunity to learn from the best Russian teachers. All programme courses are taught in English.

A one-month-long exchange for students from the Centre for Russian, European, and Eurasian Studies at Birmingham University (UK) in HSE has come to a close. They share their impressions.

This year several students from University of Texas at Austin came to HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences for study abroad experience and to do internships as teaching assistants at HSE and as consultants at the Merrill Lynch Writing and Communication Center at the New Economic School. HSE and NES jointly run a bachelor’s programme in Economics. American students share their impressions of Moscow and working at HSE.
Asher Bryant has been studying at the HSE Faculty of Pre-University Training course. Asher finished her education at Schoolcraft College in Michigan in 2005 and decided she wanted to learn Russian. She told HSE English News about her impressions of the course and how her desire to learn Russian has led her in unexpected directions.