Alexios Kouzalis, from Cyprus, is a first-year PhD student at the HSE University School of Psychology. We talked with Alexis about his reasons for coming to HSE Moscow, his achievements and his observations on life in the Russian capital.
Tag "psychology"
September 4, 2019 was a day of firsts for the School of Psychology and the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making. Zachary Yaple, who was born in the United States and grew up in England, defended his dissertation, 'Neurophysiological Correlates of Risky Decision-Making'. His defense marked the first PhD to be prepared at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making and the first PhD to be awarded to an international student by the Doctoral School of Psychology.
On December 9-10, the HSE Centre for Psychological Counselling is joining with the HSE Centre of Leadership and Volunteering to organize a psychology weekend where experienced psychologists will speak about how to talk to employers, effective communication, and time management. On the first day of the weekend, a workshop on studying and working in a multicultural environment will be held in English, which will give international students the ability to participate as well.
Conscious decision-making and internalized intentions, as opposed to extrinsic influencing factors, are the key to a student’s successful adaption to life in a foreign country. This was confirmed by research carried out by a group of scientists which included Ken Sheldon, Academic Supervisor and Head of the International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation at the Higher School of Economics.
Although it took some time to adjust initially, after only a short period studying in HSE’s Applied Social Psychology programme, Ghana native Ebenezer Yao Wepari is certain that attending HSE has been among the best decisions he has made in life.
On 17th October the HSE School of Psychology is holding Welcome Lab Day as a continuation of the Nauka O+ festival. Head of School Vasily Klucharev talks to us about what will be on display, which areas of psychology are most popular today and whether it is possible to use brain stimulation to make people conform.
Marco Colosio, M.Sc., the first foreign PhD student at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making, arrived in Moscow three weeks ago. Marco talks about his scientific interests, his background in Italy and his first impressions of Moscow and CDM-Centre. Marco is a graduate student at University of Padua (Italy), specializing in psychology psychobiology and cognitive science.