Tag "Officially"


Applications for the Increased State Academic Scholarship open in May. The main changes to the scholarships to be awarded this summer concern those for social achievements. Students receiving Russian government scholarships (quotas) are eligible to apply. Increased State Academic Scholarship is not applicable for students who pay for their tution.
Effective from the afternoon of November 27, all the way through the morning of November 28, HSE will be celebrating its Anniversary Night. To allow students and staff to prepare for the event properly and not look like zombies at following day’s lectures, these dates will be partially considered days-off.
We are happy to present you the new issue of "That's so HSE" which is a newsletter with infographics about our university. Current issue informs you how many HSE students and faculty use e-library resources, what purposes of searching articles are more popular, what databases and libraries are most in demand and etc.

The updated app helps you find your way to your class, open the schedule in a click and find out the language of a lecture or seminar.