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Tag "leisure"

Winter Sport Activities

Winter Sport Activities
Late last year, HSE’s Extreme Sports student club organized a trip for HSE students, instructors, staff, and their friends to an equestrian centre located 150 kilometres away from Nizhny Novgorod, and at the end of winter the club has extended an invitation to one of Georgia’s best ski resorts – Gudauri. Registration for the trip is open until February 16.

Night at the Cultural Centre 2014: Ten Hours of Entertainment

Night at the Cultural Centre 2014: Ten Hours of Entertainment
On December 13th, 2014, one of the largest annual entertainment and educational events took place, organized by HSE not only for students and staff, but for all Muscovites, — Night at the HSE Cultural Centre.

International Students Enjoyed Traditional Russian Culture

International Students Enjoyed Traditional Russian Culture
The HSE Student Support Unit organized a trip to Etnomir ethnographic park, where our international students immersed themselves in the atmosphere of old Russian life, played traditional games, and even baked rye bread in a workshop.

The HSE Professors’ Club welcomes you to the exciting 2014-2015 Concert Season!

The next concert will take place on October 29, 2014 at 6.00 pm.
Performers: Yana Ivanilova (soprano), Alexey Skanavi (piano). 
Programme: « Children’s question: For adults about children».

HSE Day: International Students and Faculty Get into the Spirit of University Life

HSE Day: International Students and Faculty Get into the Spirit of University Life
The Higher School of Economics is becoming more and more internationalized. It is for this reason that HSE Day, which took place at Gorky Park, reached an international level as well. Among the numerous activities at the event were ones that featured English as their main form of communication. Thanks to this, international students, foreign instructors, and all guests of the celebration who wanted to speak English were able to feel they could take full participation in the events.

Activities English Speaking Guests Can Join without Offending their Ears

Activities English Speaking Guests Can Join without Offending their Ears
HSE Day 2014 is a festival for everyone unimpeded by communication barriers. The organisers have created a special space where English speaking guests can feel completely free and will be able to understand what is going on! 

10 Reasons to Come to HSE Day or Unauthorized Entry Only

10 Reasons to Come to HSE Day or Unauthorized Entry Only
It’s September but you don’t have to get blues because autumn starts with HSE Day — a massive city festival in Gorky Park. For the third year in a row on September 10 the HSE transforms the park into a university campus where you can have fun finding out about life in a modern university. Here are 10 good reasons why everybody, even if they have nothing to do with the HSE should come to this special day.