HSE International Student Support

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Tag "Brazil"

‘Brazilians and Russians Share a Unique Connection’

‘Brazilians and Russians Share a Unique Connection’
Tobias Vilhena de Moraes is a historian working at Museu Lasar Segall inSão Paulo, Brazil, and a faculty member of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the University of Campinas. He is now working on a master’s degree at HSE University-St Petersburg.

Latest Cultural Café Brings Brazil to HSE

On April 6, another Cultural Café took place at HSE. Organized by International Students Support, the Cultural Café is intended to give local and international students at HSE the opportunity to come together to discuss cultural and academic matters related to various countries. Previous events last December and February focused on African countries, Indonesia, China and France. This time, the Cultural Café was devoted to Brazil.

Brazilian Student Comes to Russia to Realise His Dreams

Brazilian Student Comes to Russia to Realise His Dreams
Brazilian student Vicente Giakaglini Ferraro has been interested in Russia since childhood, when he started learning Russian on his own. He is now studying in the Higher School of Economics’ Applied Politics master’s programme. In an interview with the HSE News Service, Vicente discusses what drew him towards Russia, why he chose HSE, and why he is happy when it is cold.