Tag " South Korea"

‘I Will Use the Holidays to Reflect on my Plans, Recharge, and Refresh Myself’

‘I Will Use the Holidays to Reflect on my Plans, Recharge, and Refresh Myself’
Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia. Below, we publish the second part of their interviews.

Summer University 2023: ‘A Good Introduction to Urban Studies’

Summer University 2023: ‘A Good Introduction to Urban Studies’
At the start of August, HSE University held the tenth annual Summer University. This year’s programme took the form of a workshop on urban studies. The participants attended four courses from HSE University faculty and invited experts and worked on their own projects to develop a cultural heritage site. Jung Woo Lee, from South Korea, shares his impressions of the Summer University.