HSE International Student Support

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Culture Cafés are back! New season

Are you keen on exploring other cultures? Is learning your constant state of mind? Or do you enjoy chatting with friends? Then Culture Cafés are just what you need! After meeting the newcoming students and seeing their bright inspired (however, a little bit frightened) eyes, it has been decided that the whole new season of Culture Cafés has to start. Acta non verba. Here it is.

Culture Cafés are back! New season

The students talked about basic stereotypes about Russia like bears in the streets and drinking vodka in winter, confirming and debunking them together with the Russian friends. A unique and funny quiz on Russian superstitions became the cherry on top of the evening. A broken dish leads to happiness, while a cat should enter a newly bought house first, even before its owners – did you know that?

This time two special guests spoke up during the evening. As all of us know, HSE is about uniting people from all over the world and from Russia itself, so our international students were extremely excited to meet a true Siberian Fedor and a real citizen of the Far East Esenia. The guys – also board members of ESN HSE Moscow – told a lot of surprising facts and funny stories about their homelands, leaving the international students with a strong desire to come and visit these places at least once in their life.

The Russian Culture Café is only the beginning – a whole semester of weekly Culture Cafés is awaiting you!

Author: Irina Klimova
Editor: Anastasia Sazonova