Moscow Metro

⏰ Opening hours

Moscow Metro is open daily from 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m.

💳 Fares

Metro fares can be paid in several ways:

  • All-in-one (Ediniy) ticket (can be purchased at the metro ticket office or ticket machines);
  • Troika card;
  • Contactless Russian bank card;
  • Student social card.

🚇 Metro Map

Moscow metro maps are located at every metro and railway station, bus stops, in the Moscow metro app, and on the official Moscow transport website.

🚊 MCC and MCD (Moscow urban rail transit)

Moscow Metro, the Moscow Central Circle (or MCC) and the Moscow Central Diameters (or MCD) form a single metropolitan transport system. There are no extra charges when changing from the metro to the MCC or MCD and back within 90 minutes of the first pass. 

📱 Mobile app

The Moscow metro app can help you build the optimal route to your place of destination.

🛅 Lost and found

If you have left your things in the metro, please contact the Lost and Found Office.

📍 The three offices are located at Kotelniki, Cherkizovskaya and Delovoy Tsentr metro stations.  

☎️ Information service: +7 495 539-54-54 (3210 for mobile phones)

🕑 Working hours: daily from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.

🆔 Lost documents

Personal documents (passport, driver's license, student ID, etc.) which are found in the Moscow metro are handed to the police. 

📍 The police office is located at 8, 2nd Kolobovsky Lane.

☎️ Information service: +7 495 694-86-20

🕑 Working hours: Mon-Thu from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (lunch break from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.)