Digital Buddies

The HSE University is launching a new direction of the HSE Digital Assistants project - Digital Buddies. Digital Buddies provide digital support to HSE international students in helping them use HSE's digital services. Additionally, they can help foreigners navigate in terms of resolving issues not related to digital services, and transfer such requests to the specialized services of the university, to monitor the quality of their implementation.

About Digital Buddies

Digital Buddies - Digital assistants who help HSE international students to live in a new digital environment, advise those who need help using distance technologies and digital services. The Digital Buddies direction was launched as part of the HSE Digital Assistants project.

What issues do Digital Buddies advise on?
Digital Buddies provide support to international students on the use of digital services, systems and university resources, advise on the specifics of using digital platforms MS Teams, Zoom, Webinar, on general IT issues that arise for students in the course of educational and other activities at the university.

How do I get help from Digital Buddies?
To get help from Digital Buddies, an international student must apply through the student's ELC by clicking on the "Digital Buddies" button located on the main page in the "Services" section. Digital Buddies will work out the appeal of a foreign student and contact him as soon as possible.

 How to get a digital support (PDF)