Student Documents

Student ID Card

  • necessary for all students;
  • issued by your degree programme’s study office (this usually takes between three and seven working days). Contact your study office to clarify detailed information about a student ID issuing;
  • confirms student’s status in order to receive remaining documents and student discounts;
  • must be renewed annually at your degree programme’s study office;
  • if you have lost your student ID please contact the Student Service Centre.

Electronic ID Badge

  • allows you to enter all HSE University buildings;
  • issued only if you have a student ID card or a certificate from your programme’s office.

To obtain an e-ID badge visit the Pass Collection Desk. You can find its hours of operation and address here .

Electronic Library Card

  • offers students the option of using university library services and resources;
  • issued by the HSE Library Online.

Find out more about HSE Library services here.

Scholarship Bank Card

  • necessary for students to receive scholarships or other allowances;
  • all payments at HSE University are made to cards issued by the "MIR" national payment system.

To apply for a "MIR" card contact the HSE Finance Department.


  • to submit an application for the Social Card or to be employed, foreign citizens need to obtain a SNILS - СНИЛС (Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account);
  • the application for SNILS - СНИЛС is submitted in person to the nearest office of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) or Multifunctional Centre.

More information about required documents and addresses of PFR and Multifunctional Centres can be found here (see the abstract with *). 

Moscow Social Card

  • accessible to all undergrads and doctoral students pursuing full-time studies;
  • provides discounts on public transport in Moscow and suburban trains;
  • an application for a social card is submitted on the web-portal A prepared card is collected in Multifunctional Centre “My Documents” selected when filling out the application.. The timeframe for issuing cards usually comes to 30 calendar days.

Find out more about getting your Moscow social card here.

Passport Translation

To get a translation of your passport, send a scan of its bio-page to the HSE Expert Translation Centre at

More information about this service can be viewed here.

Other Documents (requesting certificates)

To order certificates of education (various types) contact the Student Service Centre.

You can view a full list of services on the website of the Student Service Centre.

If you have any questions, please contact us via